Stevenson College & Career Prep Home

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About Us

Robert Louis Stevenson College and Career Preparatory opened on February 1, 1926. The first student body consisted of 750 pupils. Forty teachers made up the faculty, under the leadership of Mr. James Hutt, the first principal. Mr. Hutt remained the principal of our school for twenty-two and one-half years.

News & Announcements

8th Grade Informational Parent Meeting / Junta informativa para padres del 8vo año

8th Grade Stevenson Parents: This is a reminder that we will have our 8th Grade Informational Parent Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, August 28 in the school's Auditorium. You may choose to attend either at 9:00 AM or 4:00 PM. Hope to see you there to be informed about Culmination and 8th Grade Activities requirements.

Padres de Stevenson del 8vo año: Esto es un recordatorio de que tendremos una junta informativa para padres de estudiantes del 8vo año este miércoles, 28 de agosto en el auditorio de la escuela. Puede escoger si asiste a las 9:00 AM o a las 4:00 PM. Esperamos verlos para darles información acerca de los requisitos para culminación y actividades del 8vo año.


Sep 17

English Learners Advisory Committee Meeting / Junta de ELAC

Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Parent Center / Centro de padres

Coffee with the Principal / Café con el director

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Parent Center / Centro de padres

25th Day of School (Lunch Activity)

Time: 12:33 PM – 1:03 PM
Location: Schoolwide

CPT Tuesdays

Time: 2:03 PM – 3:03 PM
Location: TBD by Department

Sep 18

Sep 30

group of students

Our Mission

Our Mission is to prepare our students to be college and career ready. The staff, students, parents are committed in providing a safe and nurturing environment that enables a focus on academic achievement.